Truckee is considered the coldest city in California with day time temperatures averaging between 2 degrees F in the winter to 89 degrees in the summer. Certainly not the coldest or hottest city in America so if you live in more extreme temperatures, you can probably relate to dry skin issues.   

If you’re not a naturally born water drinker, lizard skin can be normal.  I’m pretty sure I’d beat the adage:  You can’t live 3 minutes without air, 3 days without water and 3 weeks without food.  I’m a camel and since I practice regularly, I could survive well beyond 3 days without water.  It is written.    

That said, my skin suffers.  I’ve learned since I moved to the high country that just drinking water doesn’t prevent dehydration.   Here are two ways I’ve discovered to cure dragon skin syndrome.  They apply to any elevation or climate.    

1.  Include Electrolytes to Hydrate 

Water alone won’t help you hydrate completely, especially if you’re really dehydrated.  To keep your bodily waters balanced, you need assistance at the cellular level. 

In order to keep the kidneys and liver flushing, to keep plasma levels in the blood in working ranges, and to maintain balance between your sodium and potassium levels, to name a few, drinking electrolytes is essential.  

Once you get DE-hydrated, it can take as much as three glasses of electrolytes a day for 2 weeks to rehydrate.  I know, it sounds like overkill but I’ve tested this theory.  

The first step is to recognize when you’re dehydrated.  

For most of us, we don’t always know.  When you start urinating in small amounts, have stomach cramps, poor digestion, warm flashes after meals, dry lips, low energy or headaches, you might be dehydrated.  These symptoms don’t have to be debilitating.  Sometimes, these symptoms can be pretty minor, which could mean your organs are working overtime and your skin is scaly and bumpy like sand.  

I wrote up 3 DIY recipes and 3 store bought electrolytes to consider. 

From the FOOD BABE
JUICE 6 stalks celery, 1 Apple, 1 lemon (probably the whole thing).  

STIR with water 1/2 tsp. salt, 1/2 tsp baking soda, lemon juice, 1 tsp maple syrup.  

SHAKE 8 ounces coconut water + 1 tablespoon  chia seeds

Additional non-GMO, sugar free, real flavors
1 packet or serving 3 times a day
Ultima Electrolyte ( I like the lemon flavor)

Skraatch/ Osmo, Emergen- C

Nutribiotics Electrolyte capsules/salt sticks/ trace minerals

2.  Dry Brush and Oil your skin

The skin organ is the largest organ of the body.  Keeping it hydrated is a science.  Dry brushing not only helps get rid of dry skin that can clog your pours and keep it from breathing, it also increases circulation, which in turns carries nutrients to the skin and gives it a little glow. 

It definitely can reduce the little bumps that generate on skin as a result of the skin doing one of it’s big jobs: eliminating waste and toxins.  

We eliminate up to 2 lbs of metabolic waste through perspiration a day through our skin.  If the pores are clogged, toxins can back up and can get reabsorbed into the lymph or cause little “cysts” on the skin.  Dry brushing has a gazillion positive benefits.  As a bonus, even rough old lizard skin can start healing and feeling awesome when dead skin is exfoliated.  Here are the basics: 

Dry brush your whole body before taking a shower.  I get a long handled brush so I can reach my back.  And, as you become a power brusher, you’ll want a hand brush as well!  

Take a shower (Switch between a cold and hot shower to increase circulation and skin tone)

Follow by massaging in Almond oil.  Add essential oils for an aromatic up level.  I love Ylang Ylang, Rose, and for bonus healing, add a few drops of Frankincense or Helichrysum.  I love DoTerra oils because they’re pure and wild-crafted in geo-indigenous areas where the Doterra helps locals sets up farms! I don’t usually like patchouli oil but Ylang Ylang and Doterra patchouli is amazing.

After about 3 sessions, your skin will start to feel smoother and after 3 weeks it will be amazingly smooth (assuming you’re also hydrating!)

Be Well and Cheers!